• 2024 General Election

    2024 is a Presidential Election Year.  We will also be electing a US Senator and Congressman for District 1 for the State of Maryland.

    The Following are the candidates for these roles:

    President of United States: Donald Trump (R) & Kamala Harris (D)

    US Senator for Maryland: Larry Hogan (R) & Angela Alsobrooks (D)

    US Congressman for Maryland District 1: Andy Harris (R) & Blane Miller (D)

    Locally the Dorchester County Public Schools Board of Education representatives for District 1, 3 & 5 will be selected.

    For District 1: Brandy Dawson Cumberland & District 3: Christine LaMonica both candidates are running unopposed.

    Jerome Harris & Chris Wheedleton are the candidates for District 5.

    We provided a series of questions to the Board of Education candidates to allow them to state their position on issues our members find import.  Chris Wheedleton was only candidate to provide responses.  You can review the questions and his responses by clicking here.

    Dates for general election:

    Early Voting - October 24, 2024 - October 31, 2024, 7:00am-8:00pm

    Early Voting is being held at 1000 Goodwill Ave Cambridge MD

    Election Day - November 5, 2024 7:00am-8:00pm

    You can find more details about the election process here: https://www.docomdelections.org/

    You can learn more about the candidates here: https://elections.maryland.gov/elections/2024/General_candidates/index.html