• Heritage Area mini-grant applications open

    The Heart of Chesapeake Country Heritage Area (HCCHA) is accepting Mini-Grant applications for projects that enrich heritage resources or events in Dorchester County. These small, matching grants of up to $5,000 are available to local municipalities and non-profit organizations with​in the HCCHA.
    The deadline for applications is June 21. The Mini-Grant Guidelines and the link to the online application are available at visitdorchester.org/heritage-area-mini-grants/
    Virtual Mini-Grant Workshops are scheduled for 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on May 23. The workshops will provide more information for those interested in learning about the Mini-Grant program and how to complete the online application form. Please register in advance to receive access instructions for the videoconference. Contact Julie Gilberto-Brady at julie@visitdorchester.org to register or for more information about applying.
    The mini-grants support the efforts of local museums, organizations and municipalities that advance the mission and goals of the Heritage Area. Projects must be heritage-tourism related, and only non-capital projects are eligible for funding. The mini-grants are just one way that the HCCHA provides support for projects and events that will encourage or improve heritage tourism. 
    Past grants have helped fund and support historical research and documentation, brochures and marketing efforts, interpretation and education, preservation planning, events, feasibility studies, exhibits and way finding, and natural resource projects. Additionally, mini-grants can be used for professional development to allow heritage partners to take advantage of workshops or seminars that they might not have been able to attend otherwise.
    This past year, the HCCHA Board of Directors awarded mini-grants totaling $25,000, and they anticipate being able to award $25,000 again this coming year. All of the mini-grant projects support the HCCHA goals to preserve Dorchester County’s heritage, to market its heritage to visitors and residents and to improve the economic health of the area.